
Connect is a collection of photographs by Jeff Kauffman depicting the concept of connection made by everyday structures.

Connect Collection. Powerful Connection. A photograph by Jeff Kauffman showing electric power lines stretched atop a tower near Mansfield Dam in Austin TX USA. ©Jeff Kauffman
Powerful Connection.
Connect Collection. Bridge Over Cold Water. A photograph by Jeff Kauffman showing Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver BC, Canada. ©Jeff Kauffman
Bridge Over Cold Water. Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver BC, Canada.
Connect Collection. Highway Bridges Connect and Merge. A black and white photograph by Jeff Kauffman showing highway bridges merging on Mopac Expressway in Austin TX USA. ©Jeff Kauffman
Highway Bridges Connect and Merge.
Connect Collection. Communication Connections. A color photograph by Jeff Kauffman showing a mass of telephone lines atop a utility pole. ©Jeff Kauffman
Communication Connections.
Connect Collection. A Pedestrian Bridge Connects the Division. A photograph by Jeff Kauffman showing a pedestrian bridge under Mopac Expressway in Austin TX USA. ©Jeff Kauffman
A Pedestrian Bridge Connects the Division.
Connect Collection. A Bridge in the Sky. A photograph by Jeff Kauffman showing the ironwork structure of the original Harbor Bridge in Corpus Christi, Texas USA ©Jeff Kauffman
A Bridge in the Sky.
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